- to keep going with Fly Lady and keep doing my routines - one baby step at a time (I am gradually seeing an improvement!)
- finish the 31 babysteps starter thing
- establish a morning routine & stick to it
- establish an evening routine & stick to it
- to loose some of the weight I put on after giving up smoking (one of last years NYG - nearly 12 months on & only had one cigarette!)
- to organise my wedding in a stress free way
- get some more scrapbooking done
- get my About Me scrapbook up-to-date
- finish my brother's wedding album
- gather supplies for my wedding album and get it started (notes jotted down, ideas, sketches, poems etc.)
- try to go for a walk at least once a week
- start a fitness routine (pilates, taebo & fitball)
- arrange (& keep) a date night with my SO each week
- start an online journal & keep my other blogs up-to-date