Thursday, June 23, 2005

Evening ramblings for this week

Well life is hectic. Work has been flat out (which is great). For those of you who don't know me I co-run my own computing business. I'm just starting out on a small side adventure which came about thru my new interest - scrapbooking. I've decided to venture into the realms of digital scrapbook kit creation (I'll post a link for my site when it's up - still designing it)

2 new kits are in the works. I'm contacting someone re selling & maybe running a challenge with some freebies but that's all up in the air atm.

In my magickal life - things have taken a bit of a spell of not doing anything, not contacting anyone - really nothing witchy at all :( I know bad me lol On the upside thou I bought an awesome pentagram ring for $15 at the Penguin market ( from this really nice gent who owns The Witch's Promise ( He was very cool & I've finally found somewhere I can get me a nice looking athame at a reasonable price :-D (YAY!! does the happy dance) Oh yeah anpther news flash lol for those who don't know - I'm a wiccan & no not the "Charmed" or "Buffy" type :P (much prefered Faith but that's another story lol - she kicks butt)

Hmm what else........

I've officially been a non smoker now for 6 months and 2 weeks. Yay me lol I hate it. I've put on weight and all I want to do is eat chocolate (which I'm resisting cause I can't afford it & it gives me pimples lol) is taking off again we have over 600 members now (WOW that is soo cool) I didn't think we'd get that huge so quick. Hugs to Neen & Stacy for all their hard work (Luvs ya both). If your interested in art come check us out some time (plug plug lol)

Anyways I'm off (wow that's the longest blog ever from me far)

Cheer & thanx for reading. Feel free to comment (as long as it's nice :P)


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