Monday, June 06, 2005

Today's musings

Well I've nearly finished my 2nd kit (yay me lol) which is suprising considering how busy work has been :-s Check it out here.

I've just signed up with FlyLady to try & organise myself a bit better & clean up my mess ;) we'll see how it goes :-D

Have set up an album here for random pics I feel like sharing. Check out the pics of my furbabies - you'll get to see Mystra playing 'vulture' atop of my speakers & both girls playing with their favourite toy - an empty coke box.

Today's musing - Why is it that men always get soooo sh**y when playing computer games & get vocal at them???? It's just a game ;)

Luv & Hugs
Goth :-x

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