Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rain, Telsta & other stuff that s**ts me

Today is not a good day.

Saturday night the roof in the room where we have our computers started leaking from the light socket!!!! So we rang the real estate (we rent) & they got builders out & they apparently fixed it. It rained last night & it's leaked again So today we moved everything out of this room a) in case they need to do work and b) in case it rains again (SO's other's computer is covered in water spots). This meant no net until everythings moved ..... so we thought. The move happened at 9am this morning. We got the net back on about 1/2 hour ago! After numerous calls to Telstra (who had no idea what was going on) still no love so we left it & it "miraculously" came back of it's own accord ;)

The guy came to fix the roof. Apparently they nailed it back down the other day but forgot to fix the holes in the tin :-s anywho hopefully that's fixed for now but the electrician hasn't been to look at the light so I'm sitting here on my computer, typing away by candle light lol We don't want to turn the lights back on just in case. Hopefully the electrician will be here 2morrow. I have no kitchen table atm lol Ah dear our house is a mess.

Ah well lovies Off to do more stuff by candle light.

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