Thursday, December 29, 2005

My New Years Goals

  • to keep going with Fly Lady and keep doing my routines - one baby step at a time (I am gradually seeing an improvement!)
    • finish the 31 babysteps starter thing
    • establish a morning routine & stick to it
    • establish an evening routine & stick to it
  • to loose some of the weight I put on after giving up smoking (one of last years NYG - nearly 12 months on & only had one cigarette!)
  • to organise my wedding in a stress free way
  • get some more scrapbooking done
    • get my About Me scrapbook up-to-date
    • finish my brother's wedding album
    • gather supplies for my wedding album and get it started (notes jotted down, ideas, sketches, poems etc.)
  • try to go for a walk at least once a week
  • start a fitness routine (pilates, taebo & fitball)
  • arrange (& keep) a date night with my SO each week
  • start an online journal & keep my other blogs up-to-date
Think that's it (for now lol)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas, Summer Solstice Blessing, Happy Hannukah etc.

Hope you all have a great one!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Wishes

Hope you all have a great Christmas.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

House news

Got some interesting news from the realestate on Friday.... no they're not gonna fix the roof they're not going to do anything actually lol Wanna know why? They're no longer our real estate :-D So hopefully the new one is better. Will kep you all informed.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

RIP Eddie

Another sad day for the pro-wrestling world. Sunday 13th of November - pro wrestler Eddie Guerrero died in his hotel room. This is truely heart breaking. I've watched Eddie's career since his days in WCW, to his mamacita Chyna, remember being so happy when he won the then WWF World Championship belt at Wrestlemania, and watching him Lie, Cheat & Steal. Eddie stole the hearts of many wrestling fans.

From Pro
"The initial autopsy reports on Guerrero have come in. spoke with Eddie’s widow, Vickie Guerrero, earlier today.

“It was heart failure. It was from his past – the drinking and the drug abuse. They found signs of heart disease. She (the examiner) said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that’s what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep."

I am at a complete loss over this. You will be missed Eddie.

Viva La Raza Latino Heat from an Aussie Mamacita


Sunday, October 30, 2005

Tina's Blog Challenges

Posting these here as well as my blog @ Digi Scrap Shack

Challenge # 1 - TV shows you never miss

Well I hate to admit it but I'm a huge wrestling fan. I never miss RAW or Smackdown & I've seen every WWF/WWE pay-per-view. I don't watch much TV but I never miss those two shows. I also enjoy Mythbusters, Firefly, Initial D, & Ghost In th Shell.

Challenge #2 - I love the sound of...

* music lol any kind .... well nearly any kind not that huge on opera.
* rain on a tin roof
* my cats purring
* waterfalls - there's nothing more soothing
* the birds outside my window in the morning

Challenge #3 - 5 things about your hometown.

1. There's a great small town feel. Everyone is so freindly.
That said everyone knows everyone lol

2. It's peaceful.

3. It's near the beach - 5 minutes & I'm there (I should start going for more walks)

4. It's the oldest town in Australia (note I said town not city :p)

5. It was settled b4 Hobart lol

Stay tuned for more Tina challenges :)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The colour of my Blog

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.

You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.

You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

..... and then some

well we stiill have no light in the office but we have lights to the rest of the house. Apparently they are getting a quote to get a new roof. Hmm we'll see how long that takes ;)

Not much is really happening at the moment. Sold some scrapping kits :) Had the flu :(

Ok off to do some housework :-s


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Rain, Telsta & other stuff that s**ts me

Today is not a good day.

Saturday night the roof in the room where we have our computers started leaking from the light socket!!!! So we rang the real estate (we rent) & they got builders out & they apparently fixed it. It rained last night & it's leaked again So today we moved everything out of this room a) in case they need to do work and b) in case it rains again (SO's other's computer is covered in water spots). This meant no net until everythings moved ..... so we thought. The move happened at 9am this morning. We got the net back on about 1/2 hour ago! After numerous calls to Telstra (who had no idea what was going on) still no love so we left it & it "miraculously" came back of it's own accord ;)

The guy came to fix the roof. Apparently they nailed it back down the other day but forgot to fix the holes in the tin :-s anywho hopefully that's fixed for now but the electrician hasn't been to look at the light so I'm sitting here on my computer, typing away by candle light lol We don't want to turn the lights back on just in case. Hopefully the electrician will be here 2morrow. I have no kitchen table atm lol Ah dear our house is a mess.

Ah well lovies Off to do more stuff by candle light.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Which Dyre Spirit Are You Most Like?

Lycaon the Wolf Spirit
Which Dyre Spirit Are You Most Like?

brought to you by Quizilla

The Sims 2 Nightlife, Updates & general ramblings

Hey all,

*waves hello to the dust bunnies collecting in the corner*

Well it's been awhile since I posted. Nothing really major to report. Got The Sims 2 expansion pack - Nightlife. It rocks - need I say more ;) You can drive cars & become a vampyre. Seriously how cool is that! My goth sims are loving it lol

Updating my personal site (again). It should be back up any day now.

96 days til Christmas

4 months, 10 days til my birthday

Til next time......

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ATC & other stuff

My god! It's been nearly a month since I last posted.

Not much has really been happening. Just work & doing some scrapping.

Been making ATC (Artist Trading Cards). Read about them here, here & here. Check out some of mine at my scrapbook site, at RAKscraps, or DSP

More updates soon.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Went and saw Paul McDermott & GUD last night. They ROCK!!! No need to say much more really lol.

Got my pic taken with Paul :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


reading blogs to fill in the time.

Blogs I'm reading (in case your interested :P)
Shabby Princess (
Kirky's Blog ( This is the blog of ~Kirsten Smit! Graphic Designer, Digital Scrapbook Artist & Owner of Kirky's Kreations!

OMG I've just found the coolest site (thanks to the Shabby Princess blog lol) - Think Geek. LOL I so have to order stuff from there ;)
"There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't" hehe ahh this is geek heaven lol I think I may have found a xmas present for my brother lol...& my SO...and half my friends ;)

Digital frames - perfect for scrapbook layouts.

hmm told u I was bored :)

Anyways may write more after I've eaten something - mayb cold KFC, mayb not.

15 mins til I finish work YAY!!! 2 many things to do 2day.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

mornin loverlies


watching live 8.

Go add your name to the list

Thursday, June 30, 2005

What am I........

wearing? jeans, lots of jumpers & my slippers Smile It's cold lol

listenting to? my so playing settlers 5 & misc MP3s

thinking? ack I have sooo much to do today

doing right now (besides reading this)? checking forums, planning my next scrapbook kit, thinking I should update my blog/s

putting off doing? updating my blogs, updating

eating at your next meal? pork tacos (yum)

just some useless info I'm sharing lol. More updates this afternoon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My first kits for sale

OMG I've got my first kits up for sale :-D

Check em out @ Digital Scrapbook Haven

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Goths Scraps Blog (& Diablo II)

I've set up a blog exclusively for Goths Scraps.

This will be where I'll post stuff about upcoming kits & anything else related to my scrapbook stuff.

Didn't get my game of Diablo II (yet)

Will hopefully have the Goths Scraps site up this week.

Man I need a massage.

Off to update the other blog & maybe play some Diablo II

Friday, June 24, 2005

Website update

I updated my personal website today. Made me realise how much I've grown & changed as a web designer. It's still being updated but I'll get it done over the weekend. I haven't even started on my scrapbook website yet (don't want to think about it right now - I'll probably dream in html 2nite)

My third kit is nearly done & I've got inspiration for a few more :) which is prob a good thing if I'm going to start selling.

Anywho, check out my site @

Might play some Diablo II 2morrow.

Back off to the crop I go - come check it out -

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Evening ramblings for this week

Well life is hectic. Work has been flat out (which is great). For those of you who don't know me I co-run my own computing business. I'm just starting out on a small side adventure which came about thru my new interest - scrapbooking. I've decided to venture into the realms of digital scrapbook kit creation (I'll post a link for my site when it's up - still designing it)

2 new kits are in the works. I'm contacting someone re selling & maybe running a challenge with some freebies but that's all up in the air atm.

In my magickal life - things have taken a bit of a spell of not doing anything, not contacting anyone - really nothing witchy at all :( I know bad me lol On the upside thou I bought an awesome pentagram ring for $15 at the Penguin market ( from this really nice gent who owns The Witch's Promise ( He was very cool & I've finally found somewhere I can get me a nice looking athame at a reasonable price :-D (YAY!! does the happy dance) Oh yeah anpther news flash lol for those who don't know - I'm a wiccan & no not the "Charmed" or "Buffy" type :P (much prefered Faith but that's another story lol - she kicks butt)

Hmm what else........

I've officially been a non smoker now for 6 months and 2 weeks. Yay me lol I hate it. I've put on weight and all I want to do is eat chocolate (which I'm resisting cause I can't afford it & it gives me pimples lol) is taking off again we have over 600 members now (WOW that is soo cool) I didn't think we'd get that huge so quick. Hugs to Neen & Stacy for all their hard work (Luvs ya both). If your interested in art come check us out some time (plug plug lol)

Anyways I'm off (wow that's the longest blog ever from me far)

Cheer & thanx for reading. Feel free to comment (as long as it's nice :P)


Monday, June 06, 2005

Today's musings

Well I've nearly finished my 2nd kit (yay me lol) which is suprising considering how busy work has been :-s Check it out here.

I've just signed up with FlyLady to try & organise myself a bit better & clean up my mess ;) we'll see how it goes :-D

Have set up an album here for random pics I feel like sharing. Check out the pics of my furbabies - you'll get to see Mystra playing 'vulture' atop of my speakers & both girls playing with their favourite toy - an empty coke box.

Today's musing - Why is it that men always get soooo sh**y when playing computer games & get vocal at them???? It's just a game ;)

Luv & Hugs
Goth :-x

Monday, May 16, 2005

Finished my first Digi Scrapbook Kit :-D

Check out the preview here

Friday, May 13, 2005

Afternoon ramblings

hmm well I didn't get my kit finished spent the rest of the afternoon surfing the forums! I am determined to get it done today. On the up side thou I did get some inspiration for a new kit or 2 lol.

I'm also determined to do some work on one of my web sites.

Update ya later

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Afternoon ramblings

Today I'm determined to finish my first scrapbook kit & do a layout with it & show it's now 2:02pm & so far today I have done sweet F.A.

Check out my Nightwish layout here

Random quote:
There are 175 types of goth, today I feel like #144

My first blog

Welcome to my world!

Not much happening in my life atm just work & scrapping.

(aka goth_bytch or gothic vampyre)